

Degrees and Certifications:

Danielle Declich

Tutorial/Learning Center Grading


CITIZENSHIP GRADE:  Grade of A, B, C, D, or F will be calculated on points earned daily and based on the 3 R’s:


  1. Responsibility for the actions.
  2. Respect for themselves and others.
  3. Following all classroom and school Rules


EFFORT GRADE:  Grade of A, B, C, D, or F will be calculated on points earned daily and based on the following:


  1. Always Do Your BEST!
  2. Come to school prepared to LEARN!
  3. Follow school and class RULES!
  4. Assignments completed on TIME!
  5. Actively Participate in Class!

ACADEMIC GRADES: based on various at home assignments including weekly Journal, Khan Academy, and Readworks



ABSENCES:  You have two days for each day you are absent to make up missed work without it being counted as late.  **Parents: PLEASE attempt to make appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) for after school as class instruction is very important to the success of your child. 



  1. Enter the classroom ready to learn.
  2. Be in your seat and ready before the bell rings.
  3. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
  4. Be respectful to everyone.
  5. Follow all school and class rules.
  6. Come prepared with all necessary materials.   


CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT: We strongly believe in positive reinforcement and earning recognition for good choices.    You will earn positive praise, Wildcat cards, good guy notes, class parties, etc.   


NOTEBOOKS:  Research shows one of the most important skills to success is keeping track of all assignments and being organized.  Your student will learn how to keep their notebook organized and how to keep track of their assignments by using calendars. All students will be required to keep and maintain a notebook.  LCC Ed. Specialist will be providing this to each of our students on our caseload.  We are asking for a $5.00 donation to offset the cost of the notebooks. Please ask your student to show you their notebook and explain how they will keep it up to date. 

ELECTRONICS: All cell phones, tablets, ipods, etc. need to be turned off and in your student’s backpack.  Electronics may only be turned on at school with teacher permission AND after 3:45 pm.



  1. Praise your child and keep positive.
  2. Provide a quiet place to study away from distractions.
  3. Establish specific homework time… and try to stick to it!
  4. Help your child with school work/ projects through guidance.
  5. Encourage good organizational skills (check backpacks, notebooks, planners, Parent Connect, teacher websites, etc.).


GOOGLE CLASSROOM is what most teachers utilizing for student work.  Every student will have a Google account set up for them and given a password.  This can be accessed from any computer with Internet access. Students will be doing work directly on the computer and their work is saved automatically on their Google Docs.  We encourage parents to have your child share with you what they are working on and doing within their classes. 


ZANGLE PARENT CONNECT is the parent’s tool to see how their child is doing on assignment and classroom behavior.  You get your password from the front office. All students have a password as well to STUDENT CONNECT.  We will be having students check their progress several times a week. This is a very good way for students to be responsible for their academic grades, effort, and citizenship.