• globe

    This coming year we will be focusing on project based engineering practices that incorporate Global Responsibility. 


    7th Grade Science Course Description:

    As a topic for learning, science lends itself naturally to the idea of global responsibility.  Being globally responsible means appreciating that there is a world beyond us, a world where each of us can play an active role in maintaining and even improving life for all.  The major tenets of global responsibility will be stressed throughout our year of learning, regardless of the specific topic: from chemistry to the environment, from matter to genetics; as students learn about each subject, they will also come to understand the importance of how our actions are interconnected throughout our world.  

    Science instruction will accommodate the natural curiosity and interests of students in the world around them. Science explorations and engineering design will be integrated into: cells, Earth systems, weather, geology, natural resources, ecosystems; the roles of water, energy, energy transfer, and human impact on the world. Blended learning and hands on activities will be the methods we use to move toward full implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) over the next several years. Three-dimensional learning will be emphasized as the Scientific and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and grade-specific Disciplinary Core Ideas are  interwoven to enhance and strengthen our students’ ability to problem solve and think critically.